Saturday, March 8, 2014

Up until a couple of years ago I had never held a paint brush, never tried to draw anything but a stick finger and never thought to try. I took care of my family and lived a quiet life. In 2009 my oldest daughter became sick and it turned our life around. After many months, weeks in Children's Hospital, loads of Specialist and more test than any one person should have in there lifetime she was diagnosed with a rare eye disease. We started chemo which she has been on since and the road to remission was paved with more obstacles than I care to remember. A little over 2 years ago I needed to find something to do while she rested that was quiet but also fun for me. I started going onto You Tube and discovered Suzi Blu. She is brutally honest, quirky and fun. Just what I needed at the time. I took 2 of her classes and she taught me not only how to paint but gave me the confidence to believe I could. Since than I have taken lots of classes and loved each and every one.
Suzi Blu
Lifebook 2012 and 2013
Joanne Sharpe
Ady Almanza
Jody Ohl
Andrea Gomoll
Natasha May
Junelle Jacobson
Jane Davenport
In addition Cloth Paper Scissors has tons of great mini classes for a great price. 

During my You Tube travels I discovered Leilani Joy who is AMAZING, her videos have taught me so much.  Right now I am obsessed with all things Jane Davenport - yes, I admit it, I am a full on groupie!!!
If you have not taken one of her classes YOU MUST. Yes, her classes are a bit pricey but they are FULL on content and she is funny and engaging and so endearing.  You will learn SO much, like Suzi Blu did for me years ago Jane makes you believe you can draw. And no :) I am not getting paid to say this, she will probably never even see this tiny little blog. I just know that she has had a huge role in my discovering that I can create beautiful things and I have to believe that if you have taken the time to read this than you must have some interest in art journaling and painting.

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